Americasia International, Inc.
Phone: +16037811382

POP Displays

At Americasia, we don’t just make displays. We make original, eye-catching merchandising solutions that draw customer attention to your products. Our displays can help you to communicate a unique merchandising story at retail. They are fun, colorful, and EFFECTIVE for selling your product. In addition to being some of the most innovative displays in the retail market, they are also very well made, tested for support strength & durability, and pass all required material testing with internationally recognized testing services such as SGS and Bureau Veritas.

Many of our displays are also designed as 3 or 4 stacking sections for easy assembly. This stacking method allows your products to be packed with the display sections so that they can ship in smaller, lighter cartons. Many retailers require their POP/POS display units to be delivered pre-filled to their stores since it’s cheaper than using a merchandising team to fill the display in store. However, it may be that it’s more effective for you to have your display units manufactured and delivered to you, or your client, flat packed or bulk packed for ease.  The choice is yours. You can choose to have our team fill your displays, have them delivered to you for filling, or delivered direct to the retail store for filling there. Whatever is needed, we can help you with the right service for your needs.

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